About Facility

Lecture theatres at Dental College Azamgarh are the learning centre in real meaning being equipped with all type of modern audio-visual teaching aids like Over Head Projector, Slide Projector, L.C.D., Public Address Systems and other on-line information systems. All the five lecture theatres atDental College Azamgarh. give an amicable environment for the concentrated study hours. The lecture theatres are fully air-conditioned, well spacious and furnished.

Library, the brain of an institution, the centre of knowledge, of Dental College Azamgarh has a meticulously chosen selection of more that 4,000 books, of Indian and foreign origin. Every student is free to choose any book of his interest in Medical, Dental, Pharmacology, Computer, Medical/Dental information systems and other reading materials from the reference and issue sections. Dental College Azamgarh 's fully air-conditioned library is also the regular subscriber of more than 110 Journals of national and international repute on every branch of medical/dental sciences. The reading section of the library is having a huge capacity of almost 100 students at a time. The library is also provided with separate binding section, artist room, photographic section and reprographic facilities The special features of Dental College Azamgarh 's library are DELNET, through which, it is connected to 1,100 Indian as well as foreign libraries. The audiovisual room is fully equipped with a range of highly informative and educational video cassettes and CDs. The library of Dental College Azamgarh is also provided with a locker room where students may keep their bags etc. safely. Mr. Manoj Kumar Tiwari, Librarian and other supporting library staff are very efficient to look after the routine work of Library.
The Dental College Azamgarh is equipped with the following Facilities