About Departments

Oral Medicine is a speciality that deals with the diagnosis and medical management of the complex medical disorders involving the oral mucosa as well as orofacial pain and temporomandibular joint disorders. The success of any treatment depends on a proper and correct diagnosis. A successful diagnostician has to have qualities like knowledge, interest, intuition, curiosity, and patience.This speciality of dentistry is concerned with the oral healthcare of medically compromised patients and with the diagnosis and non-surgical management of medically related disorders or conditions affecting the oral and maxillofacial region. Oral and dental care is important in all phases of the diagnosis and treatment of the patient with head and neck cancer. Early recognition and diagnosis are important for early treatment, improving survival and for limiting the complications of therapy. In present day the number of elderly people is on the rise . This is a rapidly growing population who have chronic medical conditions, take multiple medications and require routine, safe and appropriate oral and general healthcare, which may be challenging for the dental physician. We the oral medicine specialists require careful assessment of each elderly person to help in the formulation of a strategy for their care, maintenance of comfort, self-respect and, effective and sympathetic dental care for them.

The subject of pharmacy has evolved as a multidisciplinary, multifaceted curriculum with the emergence of the concept of global healthcare. Its involvement is deep and it has an important role in discovery of new drug molecule; its evaluation in clinical settings; development; approval for human consumption; manufacture; distribution; regulatory controls; and several other important aspects of healthcare. Working in harmony with other members of the healthcare sector is crucial to ensure that pharmacists play an important role and social relevance of pharmacist in the healthcare system of any country is established. Hence, the curriculum at College of Pharmacy (CP) Azamgarh has been framed taking into consideration the responsibility of students to meet the demands of hi-tech pharmaceutical industry, at the same time ensuring that they confidently serve the requirements of patientcare and pharmacy practice.

Forensic Odontology is a newer approach which utilizes the scientific dental knowledge for the furtherance of justice.This includes correct collection of dental evidence, proper documentation, awareness of legal procedures, the presentation of evidence in court of law and finally giving the accurate scientific interpretation of this evidence so that it may either confirm or deny the charges that are brought about on the accused. The dental tissues, the teeth ,jaws and parts of upper facial skeleton are all relatively indestructible parts of anatomy. Dental evaluation can throw a very critical light on age , sex and other details about individual.

Oral and maxillofacial surgery is a recognized specialty which deals with the correction of a wide spectrum of diseases, injuries, and defects in the head, face, jaws and hard and soft tissues of the mouth. It is that specialty of dentistry that is recognized as a medical specialty. We as an oral & maxillofacial surgeon are treating the entire cranio-maxillofacial complex, anatomical area of mouth jaws, face, skull, as well as associated structures. The Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery have all the qualities which gives us perfection in diagnosing & treating surgeries of oral & maxillofacial region.

Conservative dentistry & Endodontics is one of the nine specialties of Dentistry. It is the art & science of the diagnosis, treatment, prognosis of those defects of teeth that do not require full coverage restorations for correction. Such treatment should result in the restoration of proper tooth for, function, & aesthetics while maintaining the physiologic integrity of teeth in harmonious relationship with the adjacent hard and soft tissues all of which should enhance the general health & welfare of the patient. Endodontics is the branch of dentistry concerned with morphology, physiology & pathology of dental pulp& peri-radicular tissue. Its study & practise encompass the basic & clinical sciences including biology of the normal pulp, the aetiology , diagnosis, prevention & treatment of diseases and injuries of the pulp and associated peri-radicular conditionsWe are equipped with a surgical room for minor surgical procedures & non-surgical special endodontic cases under a surgical operating microscope. The world is not a problem, the problem is your unawareness.Meanwhile numerous efforts were made to ensure awareness of dental health for Patients in and around Azamgarh. Free dental treatment with a specialty thrust, in the department endeavours encouraged the inflow of patients O.P.D. and eradicated the prevalent notion that natural teeth cannot be saved. Regularly 100 patients are on our O.P.D. are received per day. The achievements of the organization are the results of the combined efforts of the individual. The department at present has come a long way from its stage of infancy with comprehensive preventive interceptive and therapeutic dental health care is provided to all patients coming to our department which is due to the entire efforts of my team work of our dedicated teaching staffs, non-teaching staffs right from starting of our department.

Prosthodontics also known as Dental Prosthetics or Prosthetic Dentistry, is one of nine dental specialties recognized by the Dental Council of India.
- Specializes in the esthetic (cosmetic) restoration and replacement of teeth by fixed or removable prosthesis or with dental implants
- Receives three years of additional training after dental college
- Restores optimum appearance and function to your smile.

Welcome to the Department of Oral pathology & Microbiology. Oral Pathology represents the dental specialty that identifies and manages diseases affecting the head and neck regions and investigates the causes and effects of these diseases. The Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology provides diagnostic consultation and conducts research and educational programs related to diseases of the oral and maxillofacial pathology. Undergraduate teaching programme includes subjects like Oral Anatomy & Oral Histology in first year of BDS curriculum, Oral pathology teaching takes place in the second & third years. Research in the Department lies within the Oral Health and Diseases cluster of clinical dentistry, and is focused on microbiological and immunological aspects of oral disease. Ongoing research includes molecular biology, oral immunology, microbiological, biochemical and other clinical activities. The department intends to cover many more mile stones with the help of the strong dedicated team of young, dynamic & supportive faculty members.

The department has separate working clinics for Postgraduate and Undergraduate students. A central sterilization room looks after the overall sterilization and disinfection of instruments, materials, working area and laundry. Weekly seminars, journal club presentations and tutorials for students are conducted in the Seminar room. Department has the latest audiovisual facilities and free access to the high speed internet. Postgraduates have a separate room for themselves where they have their individual lockers to keep their records and personal belonging. At the undergraduate level we impart training in a group as well as in an individual manner so as to prepare a student to diagnose and treat the diseases of the supporting structures of the teeth on a daily practice basis and make appropriate referrals for advanced care. The postgraduate program in Periodontics aims at producing a candidate competent in teaching, clinical work & research activities.

It will not be an extrapolation to say that "Orthodontists change lives". We are the first speciality in dentistry. Our speciality deals with the correction of irregularly placed jaws and teeth which enhances not only the appearance of the individual but improves self-esteem.
Our Vision
- To achieve synergism of knowledge & technology
- To be globally responsive & socially conscience institute
- Commitment to groom highly skilled, innovative professionals by meticulous hands-on training, critical expert guidance and quality research work
- Towards Society
- To develop broad based health movement- a better health care in the state
- Provide greater & easier access to health facilities
- Improve health status of the poor
- Towards Students
To provide BDS students with a fundamental knowledge of orthodontic problems & treatment options and provide a broad scientific foundation with a thirst of knowledge Department boasts of an excellent OPD. Thanks to the treatment done by our staff and the camps organized by the department of community dentistry. All types of cases from simple to the most challenging are done in the department, imparting valuable knowledge and experience. Lingual orthodontics has opened new vistas in the field of esthetic dentistry and is also taught to the post graduate department students which makes the department unique. Orthodontics treatment using temporary anchorage devices is also taught to the students. Orthognathic surgery cases are treated as interdisciplinary approach and compromised cases are also handled with great care. The department has a fully functional laboratory equipped with trimmers, lathes & advanced gadgets like BIOSTAR etc. which facilitates the state of art treatment to patients.

The Department of Public Health Dentistry is dedicated in training undergraduate and postgraduate students in public health dentistry and to work within interdisciplinary teams to conduct investigations on the risk factors for oral disease, their relation to systemic disease, and on the use of oral epidemiological methods to study health outcomes of dental services and oral health policy. It also includes instruction in preventive dentistry, the relationship of oral diseases to health and quality of life, dental epidemiology, dental care policy and oral health program planning.
- To educate populations through public awareness, dental program and community services and provide accessible quality dental care
- To encourage the development and maintenance of community dentistry programs.
- To improve access to dental care for underserved populations, and the quality of care for all populations.
- To stimulate research in Dental Public Health with emphasis on disease surveillance, health services research, program evaluation, and causes of diseases.
It also operates two peripheral centers in the vicinity of Jaipur where comprehensive oral care is rendered to the needy with referral system for more specialized care. A total of thirty fully equipped dental units are used by the department for the above said purpose Mobile dental unit with two-dental chairs, equipment and emergency materials. Also have audio-visual equipment to educate and motivate populations. Eg. LCD projector, TV.
- Regular camps are organized in and around the vicinity of Azamgarh.
- Oral health screening programmes and preventive treatment is provided.
- Sponsored projects are also accomplished.

Children are one third of our population and all of our future. Pedodontics is rightly defined as branch of dentistry concerned with comprehensive dental care and treatment for children.A constant struggle, a ceaseless battle to bring success from any surroundings, situations and circumstances, is the price of all achievements.The department progress what we have achieved is not by banking type of education which look for interest without any principles in life. The department also keeps abreast with the latest materials, state of the art equipment and current technology. The spirit of the department embodies a touch of perfection Free dental treatment with a speciality thrust, in the department, free pedodontic camps, free school health Programmes. This helped to instil dental health knowledge not only among children but also among teachers and parents. These endeavours encouraged the inflow of patients and eradicated the prevalent notion that baby teeth do not deserve any treatment as they are lost anyway.Our department is established a congenial atmosphere with the help of knowledge based dentistry is one of the finest in the country and strives to be a par with its contemporaries in India and abroad. It has gone from strength gaining an acclaim well deserved. It is undoubtedly a model establishment that can serve as an Ideal for Upcoming institutions.