Founder Manager Message @Dr. Sri Nath Sahai

The Objectives of the AICCEDS shall include all the objectives . The said objectives are as under.

I would like to share with the Hon'ble members of the Society keeping in view of the past 32 years of dedicated service to the nation about a major break through in respect of our plans to establish and run a Dental College at Azamgarh for which approval from Central Govt. has been obtained and the College in running the BDS Course from session 2005-2006 smoothly and 5th batch is being admitted successfully, besides a large No. of Institutions, as enumerated in the succeeding pages, were running for the past several years..
Plans are imminent to start need based courses once proposed private University status comes through. With the emergence of various programs in different schools, the student and the faculty strength will also be required in phased manner. Required infrastructure for classrooms, labs, faculty space will, however, be augmented accordingly in the proposed building for running various academic programs at UG, PG and Doctoral level.