Future Projects @ AICCEDS

All India Children Care and Educational Development Society (AICCEDS) Azamgarh is a charitable society registered under the society act 1860 on 7th July 1977. The society is concentrating Education, Health Care and Community Development Programme. In our 38 years of experience in the midst of rural people we have felt that it is only the people who can think for their own development and they should be empowered with free choice making capacity to resolve their own issues. As a result of which we are in process of changing our whole strategy, which is geared to the people rather than projects. We have
- Trained people in planning and monitoring
- AICCEDS, community leaders, social workers, educationists in training and support services
- Local/State Government authorities in project support and financial support
- Academic performance is not always an accurate measure of working an educational society/institution.
- Education is the most powerful instrument to bring change and promote development a desired change, and an all round development can be brought about only through well framed and well-knit educational programmes
- Educational plans and the mode of its implementation needs the philosophy of education in need of undergoing a radical transformation to be updated

Therefore, during the year we will be working closely with the above net work and see how best can we reach the people and make them problem free.
It may also be mentioned that AICCEDS has very successfully completed various time bound projects. We may evidentially say/stress that none of the All India Children Care and Educational Development Society have ever been a failure, one of them is Children College and Schools, Azamgarh, which are a salient example of the success of the Society. Apart from the above Pharmacy College Azamgarh, Dental College, Nursing College, Para Medical College and Degree College are running successfully.
The Principal objectives of the AICCEDS are:
- To provide free education and lodging and boarding facilities to destitute children and youth and to sons and daughters of defence services employees and specially to those killed and disabled in action.
- To establish institutions for providing educational facilities to children and youthin rural and urban areas without distinction of religion, race, cast and language etc .
- To arrange and establish libraries, reading rooms, hostels and play ground for children living in rural and urban areas.
- To establish Medical College, Engineering College and a University for medical, technical and higher education.
- To arrange awareness about family welfare, Aids immunization and anti-polio programmes.
- To arrange training and institutions for destitute women so as to save/enable them self supporting.
- To establish educational and welfare schemes for women and children.
- To provide education and job oriented training for handicapped and disabled children and youth.
- To establish educational centres for non-formal education and children home specially in rural areas so as to promote Sarwa Siksha Abhiyan ( Education for all).
- To provide employment, develop awaking, educate in hygiene and construct houses, lavatories and a school building for the members of scheduled caste and backward classes as well as those who are below poverty line.
- To establish free children hospitals for poor children.
- To establish working women hostels.
- To establish old age homes for old men and women.
- To arrange schemes, programmes for prevention of drug abuse and alcoholism among youth & students by way of creating awareness through seminars, propaganda and y establishing asylums and after care centres.
- To arrange forestation in available land in rural and urban area and creat awareness against environmental pollution.
- To develop spirit of national integration by seminars, meetings etc.
- To establish programmes to educate regarding cleanliness and removal of unhygienic conditions in village and urban areas.
- To arrange such programmes in the interest of nation for which money and material may be available in the form of aid from Govt. or foreign countries.
- To organize technical scientific and commercial education in rural and urban areas.
- To establish a Cancer, Pharmaceutical Research and Treatment Hospital.
- To arrange social and cultural exchange programmes among students and youth on international level and to send them to foreign countries for their development and to establish youth hostels and arrange seminars.
- Sarva Deva University proposed to start from academic session 2017-18.
- Medical College .
- Engineering College .
- Law College.
- DDU GKY IN All States.