Founder Manager Message @ Prof. Bajrang. Tripathi

All India Children Care and Educational Development Society, has been prepared to meet the exacting standards of modern education. Facility at the institute are designed to provide the students the best education and training possible in the field, keeping in mind the all round development of the student. All India Children Care and Development Society provided different types of Institutions to provided different level of education.

I set out to create little islands of constructive education. Along the way, I found myself on the path of satisfactorily successful endeavors, of delivering quality education. Partly personal strength of purpose, partly the acceptance of the masses; is what makes the AICCEDS Educational Group story. Establishing institutions that turn into incubatories of the mind; has been my sole ambition. I look upon my endeavor as an effort to set up centers of exceptional educational excellence. Our educational endeavor will continue to emphasise on a disciplined academic plan, access to quality education and opportunities in the corporate world; to further enhance our contribution as a quality education group. And to the parents and students who have trusted me over the years, I say - have faith, for faith produces the most dramatic results!.
Plans are imminent to start need based courses once proposed private University status comes through. With the emergence of various programs in different schools, the student and the faculty strength will also be required in phased manner. Required infrastructure for classrooms, labs, faculty space will, however, be augmented accordingly in the proposed building for running various academic programs at UG, PG and Doctoral level.
About Founder ManagerProf. Bajarang Tripathi, Founder Chairman , S/o Late Shri Bikrama Tripathi, born at Village Jahagirganj , Distt. Abedkar Nagar on 15.08.1944. After the basic education from village, achived Graduation and Post Graduation in Master of Arts in Difence & Strategic Studies from Allahabad University. He served as a lecturer in a renowned degree college for 30 years. During the tenure of lectureship, his ambition to start an educational institutions had flowered and several educational Institutions were established subsequently and dedicated his life for the welfare for children, women, elderly who need care under distress. Prof. B. Tripathi has a natural gift of Social Service and engaged in service of man kind. He established an SOCIETY namely "All India Children Care and Educational Development Society" at Azamgarh (UP) during 1977 and this SOCIETY has established a large number of institutions explained in the succeeding paragraphs and the institutions were accredited by Govt