Faculty & Staff @ College Of Nursing Azamgarh

In 2004, 10% of AICCEDS@College Of Nursing faculty reported spending 80 or more hours per week doing AICCEDS@College Of Nursing-related work, and 13% reported sleeping, on average, 5 hours or fewer per night. This January, faculty will be invited once again to participate in an online survey regarding quality of life issues. Topics queried will include workload and stress, satisfaction with resources and services, department atmosphere, the tenure and promotion process, and life outside the Institute. Many of the survey questions are also being asked at peer schools, allowing for comparative analysis. AICCEDS@College Of Nursing administered a similar survey to faculty in 2004 . The results of that survey directly contributed to policy changes in faculty housing, professional support, and personal and family support. In 2004, 73% of faculty responded to the survey. The hope is to improve on that rate. Provided there are a sufficient number of responses, individual department reports will be provided by the Office of the Provost/Institutional Research.