Scholarships & Fellowships @ AICCEDS

The term "scholarship" is sometimes used to describe any financial aid given to a student that does not have to be repaid. However, more precisely, and universally among college financial aid offices, scholarships and grants are quite different. A scholarship is given to a student because of a reason: the student has qualified for or won it by academic, artistic or athletic ability, or by agreeing to follow a particular career, or has some special ethnic or other characteristic. Scholarships are not given for financial need alone. Ty The AICCEDS provides a number of opportunities to apply for funding for various kinds of Scholarships. The goal of these grants is to provide help for Students; it is not the expectation that the Group will provide funding for all of the expenses of the Scholarships.

Most scholarships are based on merit or talent, without considering economic need or ethnicity. Since the economically privileged usually have better schools and more access to other educational resources, merit-based awards favor the economically privileged. While Caucasians account for 62% of full-time college students in India they receive 76% of all scholarships